As announced in the CID Report 2004-2005 the office started in september of 2005 an `analisis of plausibility` (means: control of argumentation logic) related to the search of reason in a case of legal inquiry of cause of death of a hospital patient.
The patient, an 87 year old woman, was introduced at 11.2.2005 with the diagnosis `painful swollen hand` that was interpreted as `previous announcement of a possible stroke` to a neurological clinic.
During clinical treatment the patient fall into coma and was taken in intensive care from 14.2.2005 until 21.2.2005. An computed tomography of her head and brain was generated. During intensive treatment she received the medicament ZIENAM 500. At 21.2.2005 at 19.00 p.m. an prepared injection of 250 ml INTRALIPID was registered by familiars on her patients desk. Her death was registered at 22.2.2005, at 2.00 a.m.
Familiars discovered at 16.2.2005, when the patient remained already unable to contest, a contusion from stroke at her upper left shoulder, haematoma and a possible injection mark at the left side of her neck that remained so far unexplained by the medical personal, as as reason was given `an infusion`.
To clear up the cause of the coma and the injuries at neck and shoulder of the patient, certain familiars demanded an investigation of cause of death by the upper prosecutors office. The investigation was declared as closed by the lower prosecutors office two month later because no person that could have caused the injuries could be detected.
Besides the fact, that the reasons of the patients coma and injuries remained unexplainable, the question of a possible use of an euthanasic agent to finish the patients life at 21.2.2005 was to discuss, even if certain evidence existed, that a recovery of the patient from coma at that moment already was absolutely impossible.
For that reason the literature investigation about the lipid infusion was started in september 2005 and closed with the following report in june 2006
CID considers the existence of lipid infusion medicaments as more than dangerous. If a legal space is opened to practize euthanasia by offering a euthanasic substance for patients treatment to medical personal, than this must be declared unmisunderstandable. Otherwise the unexperienced medical personal is corrupted step by step by those who manage the euthansia technology. For that reason CID started an initiative towards abolition of lipid infusion medicaments respectively for their declaration as `poison` or `euthanasic agent` instead of `nutritional substance`.
Besides that more theoretical question related with the inquiry of cause of death of the hospital patient the more important fact to clear up remained the cause of coma of the patient, or better said, the `comatizing factor or moment` that made the patient fall into inconsciousness. CID demanded between april 2005 and april 2010 the hospital authorities several times to open the patients medical treatments documents for consultation, but the demand repeatedly was denied. So for the external investigation still remains without explanation, if the patients injuries ocurred
Before the hospitalization (and so related to an accident or attack that caused hospitalization)
During the hospitalization time before coma ocurred (and so related to an accident or attack inside the hospital)
During the emergency treatment when coma ocurred (and so related to the medical treatment with further necessity of medical statement)
Beneath the aspects of lipid infusion effects and exact moment of coma occurrence the third fact, that became prioritary question to resolve, was the existence of the computed tomography images of the patients head and brain and how these images had been generated. In this matter remains to clear up, when exactly the images had been generated (examination before coma ocurred / examination after coma ocurred to investigate reason of coma) and by what method (CT or MRI).
Related to this complex of open questions a further analisis of plausibility or control of argumentation logic related to the so called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI / MRT) became obvious. The MRI machinery consist in an computed tomography (radiography scanner) unit combined with an strong electromagnetic field generating unit. Technical explanation for the necessity of the electromagnetic field is, that the image resolution is raised under magnetic field condition. These MRI / MRT called machinery is worldwide accepted in hospitals with forensic departments for detailed examination of human body structures to investigate patients death causes. This means that the examinations should commonly be reduced to already deceased corpses. Living human patients, this at least is the opinion of several natural scientist from the field of biology, would not be able to survive without severe damage of brain tissue an examination under the influence of a magnetic field as strong as used in the MRI / MRT machinery.
Why that ? An strong magnetic field, this we know from basic school physics lessons, moves all iron elements in it`s area of influence to an organized position according to the magnetic field. The MRI / MRT machinery uses an oscillating magnetic field that would move metal parts in constantly different directions – a reason why all metal elements have to be removed from the patient before entering the MRI / MRT machinery. But what happens to metal inside the human organism ? The element iron is an essential compound of human nutrition and of a great number of organic structures of the human body. And more far than that, since more than 20 years scientists investigate the role of iron as ferritin and magnetite in human brain tissue related with the Alzheimer disease. That means, the human brain contains iron (Magnetite Fe3O4) possibly as very small cristals related to the certain parts of the nervous system. Probably these iron compounds belong to an high sensible nervous sense that makes us able to feel or measure the earth magnetic field similar as this is discovered and described for migrating birds (pigeons, etc.).
But what would happen to these iron compounds of the human brain, when the head enters in an strong magnetic field, even more an oscillating magnetic field ? The magnetite cristals would be bursted out from their position and destroy the brain tissue in their surroundigs. Consequence would be haematomas inside the brain, generated by the magnetic field that was implemented for MRI / MRT imaging. And the proper MRI / MRT imaging later would show stroke symptoma inside the brain, symptoma generated by itself respectively the magnetic field generator added to the computed tomography aparatus.
This argument remains a logical conflict between learned basic knowledge of school physics and the application of a machinery, that is used since many years for computed tomography imaging of patients that survive without any damage the passage through the MRI / MRT tunnel. Even more, because the remote control of the magnetic field intensity allows the individual modulation of the magnetic field strenght. A fact that converts an MRI / MRT examination in an exiting thriller for those who have not forgotten their basic school knowledge, similar as a `radiography photo-session with possible brain knock-out risk`.
To resolve this contradiction between scientific knowledge about metal structures in human brain and effects of medical aparatus magnetism, an investigation about the actually practized MRI / MRT technology is considered as necessary by CID. To promote this inquiry an further publication in the CID script series Natural Sciences / Ethics in Natural Science and Medicine was published in march 2010 ( and the matter discussed with medical personal.
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